deKay's Lofi Gaming

Things I’ve been playing recently

Roundup time! Yakuza 4 (PS3) It’s been a while since I played Yakuza 3. I did really enjoy it, but never got round to picking up Yakuza 4, probably because it was a PS3 game and I don’t really like playing PS3 games, however good they are. However, for reasons I won’t explain, I got a PS+ subscription and with it came Yakuza 4. I’m a few hours in, and have spent most of the game so far watching cut …

2009: The Games

I was surprised that, despite having a baby at Christmas last year, I was still able to play games in 2009. It seems babies sleep! Not that I’d have imagined that in our first few days with her at home. More surprising, is that I’ve somehow managed to complete a total of 43 games in the last 12 months. In 2008, I “only” completed 33. But the best games of 2009? That’s an ask, isn’t it? Mainly because I’m pretty …

Knights of the Old Republic (Xbox)

With nothing else to do on Yavin (not Yarin, as I said yesterday), I left and went to Kashyyyk. Or however you spell it. Once there, it made sense to have my Wookiee, Zaalbar, in my party, what with it being Wookieeworld and all. It seems the Czerka Corporation is selling Wookiees off as slaves, and Zaalbar’s brother (chieftain of the Wookiee village) is allowing it. Tch. So, lots done here. Found the village, went into the “Shadowlands” on the …